Carnal Christian Sermon By J B. Hall, 1 Corinthians 3:1-2:3


Realize that you have absorbed many ideals—and perspectives—of the world around you. These have conditioned you to assume the characteristics and values—the nature—of society. But, like the Corinthians, you can also dis-acquire the world’s values.

It did not take him long to discern that I had not truly sought God’s guidance in the selection of a mate. I had made my choice, without being certain that it was God’s choice. I went straight back to my dormitory and began a 48-hour fast , accompanied by much prayer and Bible study. It quickly became evident to me that the minister was correct—I had not been fully seeking God on this matter, but rather I had merely assumed I was.

Yes, this is a benefit, but the purpose of marriage is to glorify Christ through serving the Lord with your spouse. Some Christians believe that it is okay to be a Christian and date someone who does not believe in God. This view is justified by the fact that dating is not marriage, so it’s fine. As I said in the beginning, I am willing to concede that my present perspective could be spiritually immature. Yet, I look forward to writing an update to this piece someday if anything changes. • Promote your free Christian dating profile to the top of the results and get seen by the active hope and faith members who also love Jesus, prayer and church.

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A sampling of opinions reveals a variety of definitions, with seemingly no two alike. In the simplest form, a date is merely a set time agreed upon by two people to engage in an activity. The most commonly recognized definition is “an appointment Lovestruck for a specified time; especially a social engagement between two persons of opposite sex” (Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary). Most couples have no idea that the foundation of a successful marriage begins long before the wedding day.

But God knows physical attraction is important to me. Sophia Bricker is a freelance writer who enjoys researching and writing articles on biblical and theological topics. In addition to contributing articles about biblical questions as a contract writer, she has also written for Unlocked devotional. She holds a BA in Ministry, a MA in Ministry, and is currently pursuing an MFA in Creative Writing to develop her writing craft. As someone who is passionate about the Bible and faith in Jesus, her mission is to help others learn about Christ and glorify Him in her writing.

The Spiritual Christian

When she isn’t busy studying or writing, Sophia enjoys spending time with family, reading, drawing, and gardening. Many unbelievers and even some believers will commonly date someone, live with them for a while, and then find another boyfriend or girlfriend. However, Christians who want to live glorifying lives for Christ according to the Bible should avoid the temptation of living with their girlfriend or boyfriend and instead maintain celibacy until marriage. Finally, in regard to keeping a proper perspective while dating, Christians should also avoid falling into the trap of desperation. The church culture in the Western world, especially America, places a large emphasis on marriage, which places pressure on single believers to get married.

We are living in a day and age where me, myself, and I have become the throne that we worship at. Everything in our society is pushing towards the promotion and love of self. With the onslaught of social media outlets, it has never been easier to promote yourself. We have even coined the phrase “selfie” which some have taken to new heights and levels.

Generally speaking, there are simply no common guidelines or principles governing modern dating. Driven primarily by impulses of the moment, people fall into shallow ruts, doing what they feel passes the test of peer pressure. It is simply several people of similar age getting together and participating in some sort of activity. It is the perfect opportunity to apply all the principles that we will cover in this chapter.

Ask Pastor John

Christ Himself did not start His ministry until He was 30 years old. John the Baptist was the same, and the apostles were apparently of similar age. Although the Bible never outlines a perfect age for marriage, principles and experience can be applied here.

Others love to copy those who cannot form complete sentences without cursing or using God’s name in vain. Next, notice the way people walk, especially in the inner cities. They swagger as if to say, “Don’t mess with me.” Full of haughtiness, arrogance and a kind of bravado, they are often covered in tattoos, body piercings and outrageous hairstyles.

A Spiritual Narcissist is someone who uses the Gospel to build themselves up while they tear others down. If left unchecked, their actions can inflict devastating harm on both Christians and non-Christians alike. At every moment, God knows the thoughts and intentions of every human heart. Pastor John explores six vast implications of this foundational truth.